

  • Patent number: 9402050

    Automated media content creation application. SnipMe allows the users to record short video snippets in response to a specific topic (a process we call responding to a campaign). Per the patent, these campaigns can be any requesting mechanism presented in any form including video, audio, text, or picture. This patent covers the ability for the user to automatically create a custom video based on the recording of this user response video. The custom video will contain overlays and/or whole video sequences that are automatically placed over the user video based or injected into the video stream at pre-determined points (e.g. an introduction video segment) within the context of the campaign and the user desires. This can include, but not limited to, any information about the user (name, location, age, headshot or other picture), any meta data from the user or campaign, any tag line or statement the user wishes to make about the video, and/or any context specific to the topic (e.g. for/against an issue). Both this automatic overlay/injection process as well as the production of the resultant video are covered by this patent.

    Granted: 7/26/2016
  • Patent number: 9329748

    Single media player incorporating multiple different streams for linked content. Within the SnipMe media player are three inter-related streams: the campaign (requesting users to respond to a specific topic), the user videos in response to the campaign, and the related “snipcasts”, which are videos created that center around a combination of some sub-segment of the user responses. This patent covers the automatic linking mechanism of 2 or more of these streams into a single media player where the context/inter-relationships are automatically changed for all streams based on the selection of a single stream. For example, if the user selects a specific new campaign to review, all of the associated user responses and snipcasts shown will flip to ones only associated with the campaign video. Note that the streams can contain any combination of media types including video, audio, text, and/or pictures.